Your smartphone is old and you feel that the quality of the camera has degraded or deteriorated over time, trying to find the answer as well as comparing it with the camera of other phone but the answer is not so simple. To understand this, you are at the right place where you can know what affects the phone’s camera over time, including physical effects and software changes, the main reasons that affect the phone’s camera lens and which we will discuss below.
1. Scratches on Camera’s lens
One of the main effects on the phone’s camera over time is physical in which the lens gets scratched, which makes the camera lens and sensor dirty, which is impossible to remove, but by taking some precautions, it can be reduced in which the use of mobile cover is most beneficial.
After the scratch on the glass of the camera, and in that case, the camera app is open, then the photo of the object in front is going to be taken, then the light that falls on the sensor after hitting the object, that light gets distracted due to those scratches and As the result, the quality or sharpness are not visible in the pictures as before. In normal conditions phone’s camera cannot be disassemble like a digital camera, so these scratches become permanent.
2. Software updates
The second effect on the quality of the phone’s camera is also its software update, which is a bit difficult to understand. It depends on the type of software update, on the company and range of smartphone. In easy words, camera quality is decrease after software update.
when you buy a new smartphone, the output file of the photo is less compressed by the company on its camera app, which outcome in more clearly and sharpness in the picture, resulting in a higher file size of the photo.
Yet when your device gets old, it starts bothering or struggling the smartphone due to the large size of picture files, in response to this, some changes are made in the camera app by the company through the update on the phone, in which the compression of the photo is increased, and the quality of the picture decreases, also reduces the file size of the picture, however all the companies work differently so this change may or may not happen in the default camera app of some smartphones.
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As we mentioned above, it also depends on the range of the smartphone. on a budget device the effect is more visible, while the compression in the camera app is kept normal despite the update in flagships. In addition, the RAW file format option is also available in the settings of the camera app on the flagship device, By implementing this, you can increase the camera quality of the smartphone again. so that you can shoot high-quality pictures in completely uncompressed file format.
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